Friday, January 1, 2010

Pro-family Movement Campaign For American Parents Rights To Choose Teachers Appropriate For Their Children

Every American parent should have the right to choose teachers appropriate for their child. MSNBC published a column titled ‘Alter: No More Excuses For Bad Teachers’-quoted, “It's time to move from identifying failing schools to identifying failing teachers. A big accountability problem nationwide is teacher tenure, which is almost automatically awarded whether a teacher is good or not. If he's not, he gets to commit educational malpractice for the next 40 years.”

Parental Rights in Danger
This video addresses the current threats to parental rights affecting every parent in America. For further information on protecting and preserving parental rights, visit http://www.parentalrights....

Shepherd’s Academic Progress was inspired by the many parents Pro-disadvantaged by the unethical school system that limits their child education on a gutter level. Having no other alternatives, they adopted Shepherd’s Academic Progress- to shape unethical school systems into being a “Role model education system” for their children. They adopted Shepherd’s Academic Progress as their child official role model for education to represent ‘the hope for American educational institutions.’

Parents Protest School Waiting Lists

Photos: Michelle V. Agins/The New York Times
At the school protest, Andy Lachman of an Upper East Side parents’ group held his daughter Emma, 9, up to the microphone so she could deliver her remarks about school overcrowding.

Bringing Shepherd’s Academic Progress to the unethical school system has been through blood, sweat, and tears, because American school parents have been exhausted by gutter level teachers chosen for their child and are ready for their children to obtain a Pro-ethical education.

The parents of an Ohio high school student claim repeated bullying incidents were ignored leading to their son's suicide while suicides were a pattern at school.

Teen's Death A "Bully-Cide"

Five parents who asked to transfer their children out of Batavia High School classes with a transsexual teacher have been denied, according to city schools Superintendent Richard Stutzman. The written requests did not meet the guidelines set out by the district, Stutzman said without providing specifics.

Teenage girls say they have been harassed at school-Katie Couric- Notebook: Sexual Harassment (CBS News)

A new study on sexual harassment among teens shows that most teenage girls say they have been harassed at school, on the playing field or at home. Katie Couric comments. (

Enchanted by the honor roll our child obtains, maybe its not so bad for the school board to put our children at risk in overcrowded classrooms and buses filled with sexually promiscuous boys (a few juveniles with criminal records that schools don’t check and don’t put in special rooms). Too many for our daughters to fend off, while the school board allows the teacher to leave them alone in class unattended during exams, without any adult supervision, as well as on the bus with one unconcerned female driver without security, against a football team of boys bullying our outcast son or fondling our daughter who can’t defend themselves.

Mother: Bullies Drove Her Son To Suicide

When your child is left under the adult supervision of someone who is supposed to be accountable for preventing anything happening to your loved one, like a professional doctor, psychiatrist or teacher- what gives you the right to hold teachers responsible as a professional to provide the best outcome for your child, as a professional doctor or psychiatrist would? Did they choose to be the guardian of your child and honor a code of ethics, while providing the best service and care possible as a professional?

Chaperone states that just as children need a parental guardian chaperon to prevent teens from being exposed at parties, adolescents also need chaperons to prevent them from being exposed online. Chaperone is a pro-family movement rating video content online which keep kids safe from video X-ploitation. Their site is "RESTORING clean image for teens online"

Beyth-‘el [House of God] pro-family worship instituted a program in Atlanta to act as a role model for guiding tweens and parents in a born again pro-family lifestyle, whereas they believe that Pro-secular inspiration neglects catering wholesome values among the born again pro-family worship, such as fighting to keep our kids safe online from unrated videos. "Pro-family worship loves American family values and their country, because they keep values here to build America! Our spiritual home is not where we feel entertained, but where it's safe for the whole family," said

The school Principal has a budget, and we need to support him or her to ascertain more cashflow from the parents at the PTA to control our hard earned money- being spent on more oven/freezer trailer parks, hand-me-down books, unfinished construction, and repair decade old equipment.

Parent Power Press Conference at NYC City Hall - July 23, 2009- St Senator Carl Kruger

Teachers dictate from a book- yes- but at least we know our child can follow the same book designed for the teacher on a teachers level. The teacher interprets what’s being said in the teacher’s book and students should be capable of knowing how to interpret the rest of the unread material for homework that wasn’t covered at school.

Maybe we shouldn’t complain as parents for what we go through, when it comes to teachers sending homework home, that teachers are paid to instruct the child- in how to complete it. But instead the parent ends up doing the teachers job at home and even the child’s assignment- helping teachers earn their salary on our busy schedule for free. It’s your child! Why do you think you deserve a cut of the teacher’s salary for educating your own child at home, preparing them for professional skills, effective study habits, tutoring and esteeming your child’s confidence in believing they are smart. You need only lend your child’s mind to the public facility to gain an A. Just get used to the crap, it won’t stink so bad by the time your child earns that A-chievement. They’ll come out smelling like roses!

Boulder High School student protest loss of teacher due to budget cuts

Yes, it may take up your valuable time, where it causes you to neglect housework, urgent projects, furthering your education, shopping, computer time, and alone time. Although you may feel that the school system put you and your child at a disadvantage, did you expect teachers to earn their paycheck by completing their job without sharing the responsibility with you? The school system job isn’t complete until you as the parent, provide for the (PTA)- Parents Providing The Teachers A-lot.

If your innocent young teenage daughter gets pregnant by a boy at school through pressure and manipulation of not knowing about pregnancy prevention or how sexual intercourse is performed, it’s not the school system responsibility to get involved among teenage daughters having babies out of wedlock or if they get date raped without knowing the law of deception, because the boy tricked her into sex. That’s none of their business!

The school system is there to attend to book learning services, not for getting involved in your family’s ethical lifestyle. Is it the school’s system job to set standards and moral obligations for their institutions, so that your children can be safe in the institution and responsible students? If a bully beat the crap out of somebody or fondles a girl, he gets a slap on the wrist called suspension. So isn’t it fair that the disadvantaged school system allow the bully/fondler to not be charged without a crime and return back to bullying and fondling your daughter and son, so he can become an undisciplined convict harassing citizens in the future.

School Bullying and Suicide - WSBTV Interview

How dare you think that school systems allow criminals to go unpunished and are responsible for nurturing future convicts? How could the Principal- Joe Carter from the true story- film “Lean On Me“, brilliantly played by Morgan Freeman- challenge the disadvantaged school system, by indiscriminately throwing out all of those loser students and teachers (with- criminal records, delinquents, multiple suspensions/detentions, absentees, failing grades, prejudice, bias, drug users/sellers, gangs, unethical values, low standards, negative classroom ratings) out of his school and protect children to learn in a safe and ethical environment?

Clip from Lean on Me

It’s none of the school system’s business if their students prefer same sex partners in gay relationships or atheist views against marriage under God. The Pro-disadvantage school system is not accountable for being role models for same sex marriage and Pro-ethical education. It doesn’t matter if the Pro-disadvantage school system allows children to be exposed to this lifestyle, because they know what’s best for your child, which is for your child to discover their own sexuality and identity, taught by a transsexual cross-dresser.

Unethical teachers should be banned from school:

Every American should have the right to choose a teacher that is safe for their child.

We know for a while you haven't been given the choice to choose an ethical teacher who instill wholesome values into your child. And if you don't want to choose an ethical teacher because our organization keep children safe from mixed messages, where unethical messages are improper in a role modeled place like school, a place that is supposed to provide an ethical message, by banning unethical teachers because we support keeping children safe and responsible, then that’s too bad.

We believe every child should be treated safe and responsible in the educational institution, and if that means the Pro-disadvantaged school board are against Pro-ethical education, well; we wouldn't want it any other way.

But let me tell you one reason you should choose our safe doctrine:

Shepherd’s Academic Progress “Role model education system”

Shepherd’s Academic Progress legacy accomplishments:

Shepherd’s Academic Progress warned against teachers exposing our children to unethical values.

Shepherd’s Academic Progress initiated awareness of our children being Pro-disadvantaged by a gutter level school system.

Shepherd’s Academic Progress instituted a ‘Role model education system’ to provide a Pro-ethical education to American school children.

Shepherd’s Academic Progress formed a campaign for every American parent to have the right to choose teachers appropriate for their child.

Shepherd’s Academic Progress set up a network for Pro-family American parents to participate in the achievements toward keeping our children from unethical teachers.